should 和 be supposed to 有什麼不同?
should 和 be supposed to 有什麼不同?
Teacher Sammy
Teacher Sammy
April 28, 2011
1 min
should 和片語 be supposed to (V) 在中文裡都被翻成 應該
大家會有這樣的疑惑, 其實還是老問題
二是即使有在看英文, 也從來沒有好好地注意人家是把這兩個分別用在什麼情況
而永遠都執著在中文的 應該兩字
should 指的 應該”, 是說做這樣的事是對的, 是有好處的
比如一個人 應該要多用腦思考, 過馬路 應該要先看紅綠燈等等
We should go now. / You should see a doctor. 等句子
都是說話者認為做這樣的事才對, 或有好處, 不會有不好的後果
be supposed to V 指的 應該”, 則是指自己預定的計畫, 或別人預期我們要做到的事
通常是還沒發生, 或後來沒發生的事
比如: 我們(預定)”應該在九點出發 We are supposed to leave at nine.
(被安排)”應該在九點到車站 You are supposed to be at the station at nine.
如果用過去式 be 動詞 was, were supposed to V, 則是指 原本預計要...”, “本來應該要...”
比如: He was supposed to meet me here at nine, but he didn’t get here until ten.
You were supposed to call me when you got home. 意思也是在說對方其實沒有做到
所以, 如果講 He should be careful. 意思是講話的人認為他若小心會比較好, 才是對的
He is supposed to be careful. 則是講話的人預期, 期望他會小心
問人家: Should I leave the file here? 是問把檔案留在這裡是對的, 正確的行為嗎?
Am I supposed to leave the file here? 則是問是否有人假定, 預期我要把檔案留在這裡?
很多事情兩個都可以用, 但意思不一樣
現在就讓大家來判別一下, 以下情況該用 should 還是 be supposed to?
1. 你應該好好學英文.
2. 他應該趕快辭了那份工作.
3. 他的飛機應該要在一小時前到的.
4. 政治人物應該要更誠實.
5. 她不應該穿那件洋裝.
6. 我們應該在幾點到機場?
1. should You should work harder on your English.
2. should He should quit that job as soon as possible.
3. be supposed to His flight was supposed to be here an hour ago.
4. 兩個都可以 Politicians should be more honest. (誠實才是對的, 好的)
Politicians are supposed to be more honest. (大家期望他們誠實)
5. 兩個都可以 She shouldn’t wear that dress. / She shouldn’t be wearing that dress.
(若講之前發生的事也可用 She shouldn’t have worn that dress.) (她穿這樣不好)
She isn’t / wasn’t supposed to wear that dress. (她穿的不是預定計畫中的那件, 或別人期望她穿的)
6. 兩個都可以 What time should we be at the airport? (幾點到才好?)
What time are we supposed to be at the airport? (照計畫或行程該幾點到?)
下次在使用前, 先想清楚你現在要講的是哪種意思哦~


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Teacher Sammy

Teacher Sammy

英語老師, 作者, 部落客




like 和 fancy 有什麼不同?
like 和 fancy 有什麼不同?
November 30, 2020
1 min


