Teacher Sammy
Teacher Sammy
March 01, 2011
1 min
這個獎是由美國的影藝學院 (The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)
英文裡常用 motion pictures 來指電影, 因為它的原意就是 會動的影像
奧斯卡這個獎項的正式名稱是 the Academy Award
( academy [əˋkædəmɪ] )
奧斯卡” Oscar 只是它的俗稱
注意 Oscar 這個字的唸法是 [ˋɔskɚ]
結尾是 克兒而不是 卡兒” (太多人都唸錯, 真受不了...)
奧斯卡頒獎典禮可以簡單地說 the Oscars
Did you watch the Oscars yesterday? 就是問人家昨天有沒有看奧斯卡頒獎典禮
再造一個: Nicole Kidman was at the Oscars with her husband Keith Urban.
得過奧斯卡的人就是 Oscar winner
只被提名卻沒得過的人則是 Oscar nominee [͵nɑməˋni]
得過兩次的人是 two-time Oscar winner
比如: Two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey offered his advice to young actors.
被提名過五次的人就是 five-time Oscar nominee
大家最關心的幾個獎項包括 Best Actor in a Leading Role (最佳男主角)
Best Actress in a Leading Role (最佳女主角)
Best Actor in a Supporting Role (最佳男配角)
Best Actress in a Supporting Role (最佳女配角)
Best Director (最佳導演), Best Picture (最佳影片)
一般人則會說 Best Lead Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor /Actress
可以用: win an Oscar for ... 的句型
比如: Colin Firth won an Oscar for Best (Lead) Actor.
要講是因哪部片而得獎, 是用 win the ... Oscar for his/her role in ... (片名)
例如: Colin Firth won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in The King’s Speech.
也可說 Colin Firth won an Oscar for his lead role in The King’s Speech.
提名是用動詞 nominate [ˋnɑmə͵net]
要講一個人被提名則要用被動語態 be nominated
比如: Nicole Kidman was nominated for the Best Actress Academy Award
for her role in Rabbit Hole.
也可說 Nicole Kidman was nominated as Best Acress for her role in Rabbit Hole.
主持人host, 這個字也可當動詞
比如: The 2011 Academy Awards ceremony was hosted by actors James Franco
and Anne Hathaway.
頒獎人則叫 presenter [prɪˋzɛntɚ]
: Oscar winner Sandra Bullock will be a presenter at this year’s Oscars.
頒獎的動詞則是 present [prɪˋzɛnt]
例如: Two-time Oscar winner Steven Spielberg presented the Best Picture award to
The King’s Speech.
不過很高興 The King’s Speech 打敗了 The Social Network
Colin Firth 在努力了這麼多年後也終於出頭天了
(他的演技從去年和 Tom Ford 合作後好像就大躍進了
難怪昨天在得獎後還特別感謝 Tom Ford
去年他在 Tom Ford 導的 A Single Man 裡也演得超棒!
等不及要去看 Black Swan The King’s Speech!!!


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Teacher Sammy

Teacher Sammy

英語老師, 作者, 部落客




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