英文字彙片語“玩電腦” 的英文正確說法中文裡, 我們會說 ”玩電腦”, “玩溜滑梯”. 但英文裡, ”玩電腦” 不能直接翻譯為 play computer. 正確說法是 play on a computer / play on the computer. 但若是玩遊戲, 用 play computer games / play online games 就好.Teacher SammyApril 23, 2010 1 min
文法常見英文錯誤辨正 02我們再來看看這幾句吧! 1. I prefer silver rings, because they look like younger than gold ones. 2. The price of the silk shirt is more expensive than the cottonTeacher SammyApril 21, 2010 1 min
相似字比較哪種"借"才對? borrow, lend, loan 有什麼不同?borrow, lend 和 loan 三個字也都是 “借” 的意思 但用法當然不一樣 borrow 是 “向別人借” 句型為 : 主詞 + borrow + 物 (+ from 人 ) 比如 : I borrowed their newspaper. He borroTeacher SammyApril 21, 2010 1 min
文法常見英文錯誤辨正 01 解析找出這些句子的錯誤了嗎? She's name is Emily. Where are you come from? Her job is a nurse. Are you last name Chen? My father go to work at the morning.Teacher SammyApril 20, 2010 1 min
Sammy老師狂賀!!! 瀏覽人數破萬囉!!YAY!! Teacher Sammy的部落格已經達到一百萬的訪客人數!今天就加入樂趣,和Teacher Sammy一起學習英文吧。Teacher SammyApril 20, 2010 1 min